You must ultrasound clean oil feed pipe or replace it with a new one.
Replace engine oil and oil filter.
Remove all crankcase breather hoses and filters. Check for restrictions, clean and replace where necessary.
Inspect the air filter and induction hose. Replace where necessary.
Check EGR valve if your old turbo was lack of power.
Immobilise engine. Using a clean container to catch the oil, crank the engine over until at least 1/2 pint (300ml) of oil is pumped out of the turbo oil feed pipe. This ensures any dirt or carbon particles are flushed out, which otherwise may damage the turbochargers bearings.
Prime turbo with new engine oil
Please check oil pressure and fuel pressure.
DO NOT use any Sealant or Glue on oil feed, oil drain flange and manifold flange.
Ensure cleanliness whilst fitting this turbo. Do NOT remove the oil feed blanking plug until ready. Do not use exhaust sealing paste.
Connect the oil feed pipe. Do not allow dirt to enter the turbocharger bearing housing.
Before fitting the oil drain pipe, ensure that the blanking plug is removed (where fitted), and crank engine until engine oil flows out of the turbocharger bearing housing.
Re-fit the oil drain pipe.
check all connections are tight, but do not over tighten.
start engine and check for leaks.
Download: CCT TURBO Installation Instructions